Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Getting your Staff Excited About Caregiver Training

Aging is inevitable for all of us, and in the new millennium, it is occurring at an even more increased rate.  Thanks to the wonders of modern medicine and healthier lifestyles, we're living longer; and in many cases, we're taking care of our parents.  Baby boomers, the largest generation born in U.S. history, will be between 56 and 74 in the year 2020. Many of them will still have their parents in their lives.    

As the owner of a non-medical home care franchise, you're probably more keenly aware of many of these facts than most people.  Now more than ever, it's important to not only provide training opportunities for your caregiving staff, but also find creative ways to encourage them to be engaged in these opportunities.  Here are some ideas:

1. First, make your training opportunities of special importance in your company.  If your staff is able to see how vitally important this training is to you as well as for their individual success, they are more likely to be positively and actively engaged.  (To encourage your supervisors to support your efforts, consider offering bonuses based on their staff achieving designated training goals.) 

2. Next, once training begins, recognize your caregivers individually in creative ways: thank-you notes, in-person acknowledgements from management, and highlighting their names on your website or company newsletter.  A framed certificate of completion is also a great way to acknowledge your staff.

3. If you will be offering a series of training courses, set up a staff drawing for a prize for completion of a set number of sessions.  And your drawing prizes don't have to break the bank---think about prizes that would be appreciated: gift cards, company shirts, or even scrubs!  Additionally, reward experienced staff by allowing them to assist with training newer caregivers---you will show that you value their experience.

4. Providing lunch before or after training might sound like a simple (or even unnecessary) thing, but think again.  You'd be surprised how much your staff would appreciate the gesture.  And again, it doesn't have to be overly expensive: deli sandwiches and pizza are always crowd-pleasers.

Home care is one of the most critically important jobs around, and ongoing training will make for a more competent and engaged caregiving staff.  Acknowledging your staff for their dedication will not only increase their job satisfaction, but also result in them providing care with an enhanced knowledge and pride in their work.

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